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What is Bio-Desinfecting? with our CleanConcept ultrasonic humidifier of cold air.

Cleaning Concept LLC

Our alcohol-free Disinfecting presential system. The high-velocity of Our system process is a well established and recognised technique for the sterilisation of the entire interior of a room including the atmosphere, furnishings and surfaces.

The ‘fog’ is in the form of a fine mist which eliminates all pathogens in places that often can not be reached by conventional cleaning. These include ceilings, walls, floors, carpets, soft fabrics and every nook and cranny which are otherwise inaccessible. The Humidifier leaves everything totally free of pathogens but also ‘freshened’ and ready for use. An Organic and fast solution to cover bigger areas and also kill airborne bacteria. A unique water-based and mild formulation offering long lasting protection. Adapted for effective fogging. Clinically documented effect. WGF 1 Classified. Environmentally and material friendly.

CleanConcept System is a less time consuming and more effective sanitizing solution than anything currently out there.

This is how much on average you can sanitize by using our system with one machine Has your place of work been disinfected before you have returned? Humidify is far more effective than wiping down. We use the proper disinfectant whether it's a restaurant, car dealership, medical office, call center. We can service you! Thank you to these great companies we have been serving.